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    《beautiful in my eyes》紫雪广场舞教学


    beautiful in my eyes广场舞 《beautiful in my eyes》紫雪广场舞教学广场舞练习对形体、姿态、健康等方面都有较高的要求,经常参加可加强形体训练,提高人体的协调能力,锻炼身体各个部位的肌肉,增强骨密度。博鳌椰风海岸《beautiful in my eyes》紫雪广场舞教学。。。关于《beautiful in my eyes》紫雪广场舞教学详细为你介绍!

    You're my peace of mind
    In this crazy world
    You're everything I've tried to find
    Your love is a pearl
    You're my Mona Lisa, you're my rainbow skies
    And my only prayer is that you realize
    You'll always be beautiful in my eyes
    The world will turn
    And the seasons will change
    And all the lessons we will learn
    Will be beautiful and strange
    We'll have our fill of tears, our share of sighs
    My only prayer is that you realize
    You'll always be beautiful in my eyes
    You will always be - beautiful in my eyes
    And the passing years will show
    That you will always grow ever more beautiful in my eyes.
    There are lines upon my face
    From a lifetime of smiles
    When the time comes to embrace
    For one long last while
    We can laugh about, how time really flies
    We won't say goodbye 'cause true love never dies
    You'll always be beautiful in my eyes
    You will always be - beautiful in my eyes
    And the passing years will show
    That you will always grow ever more beautiful in my eyes
    The passing years will show
    That you will always grow ever more beautiful in my eyes.
    《beautiful in my eyes》紫雪广场舞教学是紫雪中的广场舞作品,紫雪的beautiful in my eyes广场舞视频等你发现,《beautiful in my eyes》紫雪广场舞教学由性感舞蹈精心整理。
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